Web Archiving is all about preserving the history of the internet. We’re talking websites, social media posts, you name it!
If you would like to learn more about web archiving I would recommend Data Horde or https://archive.org/ .
Personal Projects:
Why Web Archiving?
There is here a greater question underlying why anyone should record history at all. Perhaps to protect the stories and memories that are important to us.
Not to generalise, but from what I have seen most involved in web archiving appear to do so out of nostalgia. Maybe, nostalgia for the old web. Memories of playing games with an older sibling. Or longing for internet friends you haven’t for in ages.
The tipping point for myself was significantly more tragic:
Zl cnfg jnf gnxra njnl sebz zr!
That’s all I have to say at this time.