Where do I even begin with this one?

VIM Adventures is a fun web game for learning how to use the VIM text editor. As far as I know it is a solo-project by the author Doron Linder.

I’m not going to lie, I am not a big fan of VIM. VIM Adventures on the other hand has spirit! For one thing, it is trying to teach me a tool I avoid in a fun way. But VIM Adventures also goes the extra mile by presenting everything in a very stylised and almost nostalgic way.

If you want to learn VIM, because you think it would improve your typing/coding skills go for it! VIM Adventures has you covered. And if you, like me, are not a big fan of VIM, Adventures can still teach you how to use VIM. Thank you VIM Adventures, I don’t have to worry about getting OMGUS‘d anymore.

The first few levels of VIM Adventures are free, but you can buy a license for extra challenges. For updates check the VIM Adventures Facebook group.